Our IT support proposal.
Complexity of software and networks means that the support of a support team is necessary for the crew. The principle of support that we offer follows the ITIL reference model with the establishment of a single point of entry that deals with all IT questions and issues without distinctions and escalate them when necessary. A ticketing system makes it possible to manage the activity and visualize the recurrent types of issues. The support service resolves incidents, tracks them, provides advice and carries out continuous training actions for crews.
Our solution for hardware / software maintenance and system administration
Maintenance on a vessel is crucial onboard and well followed in your planned maintenance software: the same goes for IT where maintenance allows continuity of operations and the maintenance of cybersecurity. We offer you a solution of standardized maintenance where our actions are planned and tracked - and can even integrate your planned maintenance software for you to own it. Equipment health monitoring, network administration, software update: we integrate all your needs into our solution.
Our vessel attendance proposal
We attend your new vessels at the shipyard to set up all the IT and provide ready-to-sail tools. We also attend for maintenance tasks or urgent incident management in any port in the world. Our attendance rates follow our fair pricing policy.
We assist you to select, deploy and optimize communications through VSAT/FBB
The VSAT has become essential for professional and personal use on board. There is plenty of suppliers and we will help you select the best fit. Inmarsat, Navarino, Marlink, Xchange, Skyfile, KVH, .. We are experienced with all major market solutions and their online configuration tools.
A quote ?
Reach to us with your needs, and we will answer with detailed offers.